Monday, April 11, 2016

Same Sex Marriage

My commentary is on my fellow classmate Song Mayo, and her blog "Where Is The Love?" dated April 8, 2016. Ms. Mayo asks why some states in America are still not obeying the federal law that says it is unlawful to discriminate against gay marriage due to religious beliefs? Ms. Mayo also poses the question why would these states want to get in the way of a couple's happiness?  The answer to both questions is because of FEAR. Fear is always at the base of discrimination and prejudice. The fear in this case, is that people who want to get married in America and are of the same sex, are going against biblical teachings that say homosexuality is an abomination to God and this "lifestyle" is a sin in God's eyes. This view point is the basis of most conservative, Republican leaning voters.
Last I read, homosexuality is not even listed in the 10 Commandments, unless I am committing "adultery" with my best friend, but it doesnt this is a sin because my best friend is a woman and is married. Or if one "covets their neighbors wife" and that wife is named Steve, then the coveting is a sin. There are so many negative stereotypes that come with prejudice of homosexuality that feed off this fear like homosexuals are pedophiles, same sex relationships will damage a child raised in this home, homosexuals are perverts, etc. I am sure you have heard these stereotypes and some that are even worse. 
We Americans have always been excellent at discriminating against people that show their differences from societal norm, such as skin color, body size, religion, social status and same sex couples. One of the wonderful freedoms we have in America is that we can choose our religion, our values, and our peers. I don't want a religion or political party to tell me who I should vote for, what to do with my uterus, and if same sex couples should be given legal status. I agree with same sex marriage now, even though a few years ago I voted for Proposition 8 in California at the urging of our church pastor, but I've regretted that vote ever since. I believe that my God wants me to be kind, compassionate, loving, reasonable and forgiving. I may be simple minded, but I really think that God is more concerned about the violence we siege on each other than if Tiffany is carrying on with Kathy. Personally, I like to remember the greatest commandment in the bible which is Leviticus 19:18 "thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of they people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: I am the Lord". Seems pretty simple to me.

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